$497 - $97
Learn the EXACT formula we use to script and produce YouTube Ads for clients like Russell Brunson, Tai Lopez, Mike Tyson, Caitlyn Jenner, Grant Cardone, Kajabi, and others.
Drive the Right Traffic for More Conversions & Revenue
Use This Proven Formula To Start Getting Results!
This Exact Formula Has Generated Millions For My Clients. Learn It In Less Than An Hour!
What's Included?
🚀 The YouTube Ad Formula - A battle tested formula for creating YouTube ads that generate results.
🚀 Adobe Premiere & Adobe After Effects Trainings - I'll teach you the basics of Premiere and After Effects so you don't have to spend hundreds of hours learning them. Learn them both in less than a few hours so you can start editing your own pro-level video ads.
🚀 Sample Script Walk Through - A walk through of one of our high converting YouTube Ad scripts we wrote for a client and how we incorporated each one of the 9 ingredients.
🚀 BONUS Content - Sample YouTube Ads - Some actual YouTube Ads we've produced for our clients.
🚀 BONUS Content - Headline Hacks - How to create videos that your audience feels a BURNING DESIRE to click on.
🚀 BONUS Content - Scroll Stopping Hacks - How to create videos that your viewers HAVE to stop and watch.
🚀 BONUS Content - Smartphone Hacks - How to shoot amazing looking & sounding videos with ONLY your smartphone.
🚀 BONUS Content - Caption Hacks - How to easily add captions to your videos right from your smartphone without using a desktop computer.
🚀 BONUS Content - Be Amazing On Camera - How to be amazing on camera even if you're uncomfortable and have never done it before.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
I guarantee that if you go through the trainings, and implement what you learn, you will have a solid understanding of the core fundamentals of YouTube Ad messaging + a YouTube Ad that is getting better results than before you bought this course.
If for some reason you don't feel like that is true, then you can email our support team within 30 days and receive a full refund of $97.