The Video Ad Formula

Responsible for Generating Multiple 7, 8, & 9 Figures For Our Clients!

(You Don't Need Fancy Cameras, Editing Software, Or Years Of Video Experience To Get These Results!!!)

Soon to be $997. $197 limited time.

If your video ads aren’t performing, it’s not your editing, it’s not your graphics, it’s not your music, it’s not your quality, it’s your messaging.

If I put a value on this, it’d be in the THOUSANDS $$$

  • This is NOT editing training…

  • This is NOT how to shoot your videos…

  • This is NOT how to create sexy, flashy ads…

  • This is the FOUNDATION for how to structure any winning video ad…

What's Included:

🔥 The Video Ad Formula Crash Course - One 30 minute video lesson. This is a 30 minute crash course for those who prefer to digest the entire framework in one short lesson. Just watch this one lesson, and you'll have the majority of what you need to start getting results.

🔥 The Video Ad Menu - 10 video lessons. A set of 10 proven video ad “types” or ad “styles" containing the exact combination of ingredients your customer unknowingly needs to see in order to take action on your ad.

🔥 The Video Ad Ingredients - 10 video lessons. A series of 10 battle-tested, psychological ingredients that when included in a video ad, generate results.

🔥 Advanced Pro Tips - One video lesson. A 13 minute video training that shares some of my advanced pro tips and tricks for best results.

🔥 Video Ad Formula Worksheet - An excel spreadsheet you'll want to fill out and use to start mapping out your winning video ads.

🔥 Video Ad Menu Printout - Print this out and stick it on your wall. This is the exact framework we use in our Agency to develop high converting ads for our clients.

🔥 Video Ad Ingredients Printout - Print this out and stick it on your wall. These are the exact ingredients we use in every single high converting video ad we develop for our clients.

🔥 The Video Ad Formula Presentation Slides - Download all of the slides in PDF format so you can follow along, or blast through all of the trainings in less time.

We've used this on EVERY single big name and big brand we've created ads for over the past 3 years:

✅ Russell Brunson & ClickFunnels
 Mike Tyson
 Grant Cardone
 Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi
 Tai Lopez
 Brendon Burchard
 Frank Kern
 Daymond John


$197.00 USD

Add The YouTube Ad Formula to your purchase! 

A proven formula to help ensure your YouTube Ads get viewed and clicked on by the right people. Every ingredient in the formula is designed to either qualify or disqualify the viewer so you get the best prospects and spend the least amount in adspend.

WARNING: This Formula Has Been Known To Increase Conversions & Revenue!