12 steps to creating epic, high converting, 'movie trailer' style video ads.

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Have you ever watched a movie trailer for a new movie and it gave you the chills?

You got super excited, and maybe even emotional?

And by the end of it, you look over to your friend or spouse and say “WE GOTTA SEE THAT MOVIE WHEN IT COMES OUT!”

That’s exactly what this training will teach you how to do...

...but you'll be creating the same experience for your viewers.

It’s all about using emotion to persuade the viewer to take action.

I’m gonna walk you through my exact 12 step process for creating high impact, engaging, and high converting 'movie trailer' style video ads.

We’ll be covering how to develop your script, edit your soundbites the right way, pick the right music tracks to evoke emotion, add sound effects to make it pop, find and add the best b-roll footage, add big bold animated titles, add eye catching transitions, add captions, and a ton more.

I’m even giving you 10+ different video ad examples you can model after for inspiration. AND, a bunch of bonus trainings that go even deeper into the psychology of high converting ads.

You'll learn to create EPIC, high converting, 'movie trailer' style video ads from a seasoned professional.


✔️ 12 Video Lessons: 2 hours of trainings teaching you how to create your own movie trailer style ads. 4 hours of trainings in total.

✔️ 10+ Sample Video Ads: Actual high converting video ads we've created for clients like ClickFunnels, Mike Tyson, Kajabi and others

✔️ 6 Bonus Trainings: Video ad critique for Tony Robbins, Descript trainings, interviews, free book ads, and more.

✔️ Downloads: PDF cheatsheet, sound effects, tools and resources.

ENROLL NOW ($97 One Time)


1. Transcribing your VSL for scripting

2. Editing your direct response script in Google Docs

3. Reconstructing your script in Premiere Pro

4. Editing the most impactful soundbites

5. Choosing and adding the right music

6. Choosing and adding the best sound effects

7. Writing direct response titles 

8. Designing and animating your direct response titles

9. Adding the right b-roll footage

10. Adding eye catching transitions

11. Designing and animating dynamic captions

12. Adding static captions

*Plus over 10 sample video ads and 90 minutes of bonus trainings

"We dropped our ad costs by 75%..."

"Once we started implementing the strategies we learned in Kevin's training, our ad costs dropped by 75%."

"Made $5,000 in revenue after purchasing."

"I implemented what I learned from The Video Formula and made $5,000 within a few weeks. That's a 51X ROI lol. Kevin, YOU DA MAN!" 

"I made $13,500 in less than 12 hours..."

"It was like getting a marketing degree in less than an hour. Kevin showed me how to structure my videos and told me exactly what to say."

"Grew my followers to over 29,000."

"Kevin's strategies have resulted in our best converting video ads ever. This helped us systematize our entire video marketing process which has also generated tons more revenue."

"We generated $100,000's for our University."

"Kevin Anson is the Master Mentor! My videos have been transformed into eye catching, engaging stories that have generated hundreds of thousands for me and my clients."

"I raised $150,000 during the pandemic..."

"Once I learned from Kevin I was able to scale my business with video, and even raise $150,000 during the pandemic."

ENROLL NOW ($97 One Time)


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